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It’s no surprise that managing identities in healthcare is a complex task. FusionAuth, secure identity management for the modern healthcare industry.

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Simplifying Healthcare’s Complex Identity Needs

Managing identities in healthcare is a complex task. Doctors, nurses, patients, and administrative staff each bring their own needs and challenges. HIPAA sets the rules that everyone must follow, and even a minor violation can lead to huge headaches. FusionAuth removes the intracacies and allows you to focus on what's important.

Flexible User Management

Flexible user management is central to FusionAuth. As your organization grows with more employees, medical records, additional devices, etc., adapt and manage these complexities with ease.

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Single Sign-On Simplicity

The National Institute of Health says that single sign-on (SSO) is “a core platform within a hospital’s identity and access management (IAM) strategy and capabilities.” Expedite clinician access to health records and avoid password issues for patients with FusionAuth.

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Scalable Architecture

FusionAuth effortlessly expands to meet your evolving demands. Focus on expanding your services, facilities and technology while removing the friction that comes with building your own identity management system.